Monday, October 10, 2005
Linux Stars in MS Halo Movie
Reposted from
10 October 2005
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In a stroke of irony, Microsoft's Halo movie will be produced in Wellington by servers running the open-source Linux operating system.
Universal Pictures and Twentieth Century Fox announced last week that Peter Jackson and his partner Fran Walsh will act as executive producers for the film, based on the best-selling game for Microsoft's Xbox gaming console.
Bungie, the Microsoft-owned development firm which created the game, confirmed that Peter Jackson's post-production firm Weta Digital would be involved in the movie.
Weta Digital uses more than 1000 dual-processor IBM blade servers running the Fedora version of the Red Hat distribution of the Linux to produce special effects for movies that have so far included Lord of the Rings and King Kong.
About half the processors are rented out by the New Zealand Supercomputing Centre – a joint venture between Telecom and Weta – when they are not needed for film-making.
The open-source Linux operating system is growing in popularity in the server market, threatening the market share of Microsoft's Windows Server, though it hasn't managed to make major inroads on the desktop.
Halo centres on the adventures of an armour-clad super soldier known as the Master Chief who battles an alien horde, and the movie is certain to be laden with special effects rendered using Weta's servers.
The game has sold 13 million copies worldwide, generating $US600 million in revenue, and was the making of the Xbox games console.
Microsoft will receive $US$5 million up front from Universal Pictures and Twentieth Century Fox, plus a cut of ticket sales.
The script for Halo was written by Alex Garland, who penned the sci-fi hit 28 Days. The movie is expected to be released mid-2007.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Linux Distributions
Reposted from wikipedia
.deb-based distributions
- Adamantix: A Debian-based distribution focusing on security.
- Amber Linux: A Debian-based distribution tailored specifically to the needs of Latvian users.
- ASLinux Desktop: A Spanish Debian&KDE-based distribution targeted to any kind of desktop user, from home to office, from education to gaming, from science to software development. Its main strength is its great usability.
- Bonzai Linux (formerly known as miniwoody): 180 MB distribution, KDE
- Damn Small Linux: 50 MB live CD, Fluxbox
- Debian GNU/Linux: A distribution assembled by a large community of volunteers. Debian has a large selection of packages (over 15000) and supports a large number of hardware platforms. It previously had a reputation of being difficult to install but latest releases include very good and easy to use text based installer. To bring system up to usable desktop requires previous experience and effort. Debian is known to for being somewhat politically motivated; software that is not free is not usually tolerated in core Debian (e.g. LAME and other audio/video codecs).
- Debian-BR-CDD (Debian-BR-Custom Debian Distribution): GNOME
- De2: Debian Depok
- Gibraltar: Router and firewall
- Gnoppix: A version of the Knoppix distribution that uses the GNOME desktop environment. This distribution has long release cycle and may integrate with Ubuntu in the future.
- Guadalinex: A Debian and Metadistros based distribution promoted by the local government of Andalusia, Spain for home users and schools (cf. EduLinux, Skolelinux).
- Hiweed: An easy-to-use, Chinese distribution based on Debian GNU/Linux.
- ImpiLinux: GNOME, South Africa
- Kanotix: A live CD version of Debian based on Knoppix that can also be installed to a hard-drive as a complete and ready-to-use system. Known for its excellent hardware support and desktop integration among laptops (many suggest kanotix over MEPIS)
- Knoppix: The first live CD version of Debian GNU/Linux whom many have copied since. Usable after booting from the CD image and comes with a large amount of software. Boot time is somewhat lengthy in all Knoppix based distributions due to extensive hardware detection.
- Kurumin: A version of the Knoppix distribution designed for Brazilian users.
- Libranet: commercial, KDE, IceWM, Gnome
- LinEx: A distribution promoted by the government of Extremadura, Spain.
- Linspire: commercial, KDE
- Loco Linux: An Argentine Linux distrubution based on Debian GNU/Linux.
- Mepis: live CD, KDE
- Morphix: A LiveCD Debian distribution with different flavours, including GNOME. Often found being used as a base for other custom live distribution such as Clusterix, PHlAK or Gnix (to name three).
- OpenZaurus: ROM image for the Sharp Zaurus PDA
- PingOO: communication server, GNOME or KDE or others
- Progeny: commercial, custom solutions
- Skolelinux: A Debian-based distribution started in Norway as an affordable thin client distribution for schools (cf. EduLinux, Guadalinex).
- Sun Wah RAYS LX: A Debian-based desktop distribution, developed in China.
- Symphony OS: A new (2005) Debian-based user friendly Linux distro. Includes Mezzo desktop which is unlike anything seen before; it uses corners for tasks and background for menus (something like SuperKaramba).
- Ubuntu Linux: A distribution based on Debian and sponsored by Canonical Ltd. Uses own package repositories which should not be mixed with Debian repositories; the idea is to take snapshots own Debian in regular inervals and offer complete and polished Desktop. Considered the highest rising star among Debian based distributions.
- Underground Desktop: user friendly desktop distribution based on debian unstable, with graphical installer, KDE
- UserLinux: commercial, GNOME
- Xandros: commercial, KDE
- Xebian: a distribution for the Xbox home gaming console, Fluxbox
- Zen Linux: live CD desktop, Gnome or KDE
RPM-based distributions
- aLinux: A distribution for home use equivalent to Windows XP Home (formerly Peanut Linux).
- ALT Linux: A collection of popular Cyrillic-based distributions, such as Master, Compact, Junior, and Castle.
- Ark Linux: A distribution that is focused on ease of use and ease of learning, while remaining technically sane.
- ASPLinux: A distribution that provides support for Russian and other Cyrillic languages.
- Aurox: a Linux distribution with emphasis on support for several European languages.
- Berry Linux: A medium Fedora Core based distribution that provides support in Japanese and English.
- Blag Linux: A distribution designed to provide many features while remaining within the size of 1 CD.
- Caixa Mágica: "The Portuguese distribution of Linux".
- cAos Linux: Diversly managed by the community, general purpose, lightweight (fast and can be suitable for running on older hardware) and easily customizable
- CentOS: Community supported distribution which aims to be 100% compatible with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux distribution without Red Hat branding and various copyrighted software
- Cobind Desktop
- Conectiva: A Brazilian distribution and founding member of the now-defunct United Linux. The supporting company has now merged with Mandriva Linux.
- EduLinux: A distribution for educational purposes (cf. Guadalinex, Skolelinux ).
- Fedora Core: A general purpose distro for workstation, desktop and server use. Developed by Red Hat and the community.
- Linux Mobile System: A Fedora Core-based distribution designed to boot from USB Mass Storage devices, such as keydrives.
- Magic Linux: An easy-to-use distribution for Chinese users.
- Mandriva Linux: Mandriva is considered among the easiest Linux distributions for novice users. Originally a Red Hat variant optimized for Pentium-class CPUs, it has since diverged to form its own "user-friendly" distribution, while retaining compatibility. While remaining entirely free software with active community support, Mandriva does, via a subscription basis or the selling of boxed products, provide enterprise-class support and services, as well as a some incentives to paying-members of their club.
- Novell Linux Desktop: a desktop-oriented Linux distribution supplied by Novell, Inc. and targeted at the business market.
- PCLinuxOS: An easy-to-use LiveCD distribution, with a reputation for a well-polished "look and feel"; also crafted for effortless installation to a local hard drive. Originally based on Mandrake 9.2, PCLinuxOS has since pursued its own course of development, focusing on desktop users. While remaining an RPM-based distribution, PCLinuxOS does stand-out through its use of the APT package management tool (from Debian fame) together with its Synaptic GUI frontend.
- PCQLinux2004: A distribution made by the Indian magazine PCQuest, based on Fedora Core.
- PLD Linux Distribution: A Polish distribution intended for more advanced users, while remaining more convenient than Slackware or Gentoo.
- QiLinux: made in Italy, completely from scratch. The QiLinux staff has developed a desktop and live version as well as a server and advanced server version.
- Red Flag Linux: A distribution developed in China and optimised for the Chinese market.
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux: The solely-commercial fork from Red Hat Linux (in RPM-based distributions).
- Scientific Linux: A distribution, solely recompiled from the source distributed under GPL by a commercial Red Hat Enterprise Linux (in RPM-based distributions).
- SUSE/openSUSE: Based in Nürnberg, Germany, SUSE (previously SuSE) is one of the most popular distributions in Europe. Like Red Hat, it is a large distribution (on 7+ CDs and, recently, 2 DVDs as well). It features a unique configuration tool named YaST. Founding member of United Linux. Recently purchased by Novell, Inc. openSUSE is a newer branch which is completely open-source and community-based.
- SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server: a server-oriented Linux distribution supplied by Novell, Inc. and targeted at the business market.
- Tinfoil Hat Linux: A distribution for the security-conscious and paranoid.
- Trustix: A somewhat-hardened distribution focused on security. Contrast SELinux, from NSA, which is a set of kernel modifications, not a distribution, and cannot be used alone, however.
- Turbolinux: A popular distribution in Asia, based on Red Hat. Member of United Linux.
- Vine Linux: A Japanese distribution based on Red Hat.
- White Box Enterprise Linux: A distribution designed to be compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 3.
- Yellow Dog: A Red Hat-based distribution for the PowerPC platform.
- YOPER: "Your Operating System", a desktop distribution from New Zealand.
- Frugalware: general purpose linux distribution, designed for intermediate users
- Kate OS: A lightweight, Polish language distribution based on Slackware design principles.
- Plamo Linux: A Japanese distribution based on Slackware.
- Slackware: An older distribution, maintained by Patrick Volkerding. Slackware is known for its focus on simplicity and security.
- SLAX: A small bootable CD made by Tomas Matejicek.
- Ultima Linux: Customized distro by Martin Ultima.
- Zenwalk Linux (formerly MiniSlack): A Slackware based optimized distribution featuring XFCE 4 as the default desktop, Gnome libraries, the reiser4 filesystem, and the 2.6 kernel.
Distributions using other packaging systems
- Arch Linux: An i686-optimized linux distribution targeted at competent linux users.
- Foresight Linux: A distribution built around the quite new packaging system Conary, which aims on switchers by providing an easy to use and at the same time innovative Linux distribution.
- Gentoo: A distribution intended for enthusiasts and professionals with it's own package management system called Portage. Gentoo focuses on the compilation of source code rather than the distribution of binary packages, thus making applications work much faster.
- GoboLinux: An alternative Linux distribution which redefines the entire file system hierarchy by installing everything belonging to one application in one subfolder under /Programs, and using symlinks from /System and its subfolders to point to the proper files.
- Heretix: The successor of RubyX, management of this distribution is done via the Ruby programming language. Packagement is handled via Ruby as well, with packages being installed in one folder under /pkg. (Currently, June 2005, in very very early beta stage)
- ImpiLinux: A South African distribution that focuses on the needs of African users.
- Jedi GNU/Linux: A source-based GNU/Linux Metadistribution which is built around the force-get package manager. It is currently in a beta-state (as of June 2005) but is in constant development.
- Linux From Scratch: A document specifying the process of compiling an entire Linux system from scratch, adjusted by whoever creates "his/her own personal Linux system". (not a distribution).
- Lunar Linux: A source code-based distribution descended from Sorcerer GNU/Linux.
- MkLinux: A distribution for PowerPC systems that runs the Linux kernel as a server on top of the Mach microkernel.
- Onebase Linux: A distribution intended for a broad range of users.
- Sorcerer GNU/Linux: A source code-based distribution.
- Source Mage GNU/Linux: A source code-based distribution, descended from Sorcerer GNU/Linux.
- Ututo: A Gentoo based distribution, made in Argentina.
Small or lightweight distributions for use with older machines
Most of the mini distributions offer both harddisk and USB stick installation choices.
- Austrumi: A Latvian Live-CD mini-distribution. Supports English. Similar to Puppy Linux, but more professional looking and includes a richer set of features. Uses the Fvwm95 window manager, and is based on Slackware.
- Basic Linux (BL). Aimed at very low end and limited hardware, such as the 386/486. Comes on 2 floppies instead of the more normal CD. Slackware based and extendable with programs directly from the Slackware repository.
- cAos Linux: Diversly managed by the community, general purpose, lightweight (fast and can be suitable for running on older hardware) and easily customizable
- Damn Small Linux (DSL): Grandfather of mini distributions. A live distro designed for mini-cds. The design goal was to see how many usable desktop applications could fit inside a 50MB CD. It was at first just a personal tool/toy. But over time Damn Small Linux grew into a community project with hundreds of development hours put into refinements including a fully automated remote and local application installation system and a very versatile backup and restore system which may be used with any writable media including a hard drive, a floppy drive, or a USB device. Uses Knoppix hardware detection which - although detecting most hardware selection - takes a relatively long time to boot (for a lightweight distribution). Includes own *.dsl packaging system, BUT offers options to use Debian repositories to extend the system (use with caution). Fluxbox is the default Window manager. There is a considerably active community around DSL. (.deb).
- Feather Linux: Sharing similar goals as Damn Small Linux, but not based on it (Feather is more closely related to Knoppix). Includes more software packages than DSL raising the "small" limit to about 115MB. Uses Knoppix-based hardware detection and the Fluxbox window manager. Compatible with Debian packages (.deb).
- Flonix USB Edition: a light distro for nomad desktop that runs from USB Keydrive. This is a pure commercial distribution that can only be purchased pre-installed on USB sticks.
- Knopperdisk: New kid in the block. Aimed purely at USB sticks. (Gentoo based).
- Puppy Linux: Completely different than other mini distribution. Fast (boots 2-3 times faster than any other mini distribution). Boots well under low end PCs (even under 32MB RAM) with its ultra-minimalistic approach, where Damn Small Linux or Feather Linux would crawl. Contains very minimal set of utilities; e.g. earlier versions used busybox instead of bash. Managing the system to install new software requires more experience from average user. Uses Fvwm95 windows-a-like window manager.
- Stem Desktop [1]: A hybrid, which used standard Debian packages to build desktop (Fvwm95). Designed for low end hardware (266Mhz or less, 64M or less) so packages selected from Debian repository are the lightest available. Unlike other Debian based mini-distributions, this one does not have its own install CD. User needs to install stock Debian CD first and then run a custom text based install script which builds the rest through open network connection. Interesting idea, because this provides 100% Debian compatibility.
- SPBLinux: Mini-distribution for floppies and USB keydrives.
- Vector Linux: A medium-lightweight distribution. Designed to provide the user with a simplified installer and small, fast applications that function well on older computers as well as new ones. There are several editions of which the SOHO (Small office, Home office) is the full blown 2G installation and "Dynamite" is around 800M. SOHO offers KDE/IceWM window managers that have been themed to look very professional. Dynamite offers subset of utilities and IceWM only. Includes simple package management updater. (Slackware based).
Entirely- or partially-commercial distributions
- BlueCat Linux: An implementation of the Linux model enhanced for use in embedded systems ranging from small consumer-type devices to large-scale, multi-CPU systems.
- Libranet: A Debian-based desktop distribution based upon and 100% compatible with Debian. The installation has hardware detection and the desktop has an 'adminmenu' (in both text and gui mode) to ease hardware and software configuration.
- Linspire: Another desktop-oriented distribution, previously called Lindows, based on Debian. Additional software is available from Linspire or via Debian's apt command, although compatibility with Debian is not guaranteed. Has significant proprietary content.
- Mandrakelinux: now referred to as Mandriva Linux (following the merger of Mandrakesoft and Conectiva). Their various products (for servers, workstations, small businesses as well as individuals) are considered among the easiest Linux distributions to maintain for novice users. Originally a Red Hat variant optimized for Pentium-class CPUs, Mandriva Linux has since diverged to form its own "user-friendly" distributions. While remaining entirely free software, Mandriva's business model adds further enterprise-class support and services, mainly through a subscription basis, as well as a delayed release strategy for individual non-members of their club.
- MEPIS: An easy-to-use Debian-based distribution which also runs as a LiveCD, allowing you to try out MEPIS before you decide to install it on your hard drive.
- Mobilinux- By Montavista for smartphones.
- Nitix: Developed by Net Integration Technologies Inc., Nitix claims to be the first autonomic Linux-based server operating system.
- Novell Linux Desktop: since Novell acquired SUSE, their Linux products are based off both former distributions.
- Progeny Debian: A linux distribution developed by Progeny, based on Debian, using Anaconda installer ported from Red Hat. This distribution is also called Progeny Componentized Linux.
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux: The solely-commercial fork from Red Hat Linux (in RPM-based distributions).
- Sun Wah RAYS LX: A Debian-based desktop distribution, developed in China.
- SUSE: Based in Nürnberg, Germany, SUSE (previously SuSE) is one of the most popular distributions in Europe. Like Red Hat, it is a large distribution (on 5+ CDs and, recently, 2 DVDs as well). Free Eval (virtually identical to pro) dvd, or all 5 pro cds can be downloaded here. It features a unique configuration tool named YaST. Founding member of United Linux. Recently purchased by Novell.
- Xandros: Canadian based Xandros (based on the defunct Corel Linux) focuses on the desktop market and Windows compatibility. The Xandros distribution, unlike most others, may not be freely copied, as it contains proprietary software. Xandros is based on Debian and is designed to be compatible with Debian's dpkg package management system.
- YES Linux [2]: YES Linux ( is a turnkey distribution that is specifically targeted to the SOHO. YES Linux provides SOHO's a way to have a complete internet presence including but not limited to a web and email server up and running in under 10 minutes.
Inactive or discontinued distributions
- Beehive. Last release 2002.
- College Linux: A Slackware-based distro from Robert Kennedy College, Delemont, Switzerland. Last release 2003.
- EvilEntity: A Slackware-based alternative to Microsoft's Windows. Last release 2003.
- Icepack Linux: A user-friendly, full-featured operating system, pre-configured, well structured and easy to work with (RPM-based). Last release 2003.
- LinuxXP: An easy-to-use distribution without the hassle of re-partitioning the hard drive and going through complicated processes of hardware configuration. Last release February 2004.
- Lycoris Desktop/LX: Fell down to one employee and then acquired by Mandriva.
- Mastodon Linux [3]: The last a.out Linux distribution.
- Randlix: A distribution fully compliant with the GPL but closed-source. Its whereabouts are unknown; the one English reference regarding it (according to Google) is located here
- Red Hat Linux: Split into Fedora Core and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The last official release was Red Hat Linux 9.0 in March 2003.
- Softlanding Linux System: One of the earliest distributions, developed from 1992-1994; Slackware was originally based on it.
- ThizLinux [4]: A HongKong based distribution provide services to Great China. Last release 2003.
- United Linux: A group of distributors who banded together to build a common base distribution, based on SuSE. United Linux has now ceased.
- Yggdrasil: One of the oldest Linux distributions, not updated since 1995.
Special-purpose distributions
Some groups compile special purpose Linux distributions as turnkey firewalls, for embedded systems, and for other special purposes.
- Asterisk@Home: Basicly enables to quickly set up a VOIP server based on Asterisk™ Open Source PBX.
- Bootable business card distros
- Cooperative Linux: A distribution for running Linux on Microsoft Windows natively
- Coyote Linux: Router/firewall distribution
- DeMuDi: Multimedia distribution
- dyne:bolic: Multimedia distribution
- ELKS Linux: The Embeddable Linux Kernel Subset
- Eisfair [5]: small easy to install Internet-server
- Embedded Debian
- Embedix
- Familiar Linux: Distribution for iPAQ handhelds
- Fli4l: a single floppy ISDN, DSL and Ethernet-Router
- Flightlinux: A distribution for spacecraft
- FREESCO: a free replacement for commercial routers supporting up to 10 network cards and up to 10 modems.
- GeeXboX: Multimedia distribution
- Hikarunix: A distro solely for studying and playing the game of Go
- Linux floppydistro
- Gibraltar: Router/firewall distribution
- Hard Hat Linux: see MontaVista Linux
- IPCop: Router/firewall distribution
- iPodLinux: Embedded Linux firmware for the Apple iPod based on the µCLinux kernel
- KnoppMyth: Specialized Knoppix distribution for easy setup of the MythTV PVR software
- The Linux Router Project: Router distribution
- MontaVista Linux: embedded systems distro by MontaVista Software
- NASLite: a floppy-based linux designed to turn an old computer into a simple Network Attatched Storage device
- Nethack Linux [6]: floppy-based Linux for playing NetHack
- openMosix: a Linux kernel extension that links several single systems and forms one supercomputer
- SELinux: Security-Enhanced version of the Linux kernel (i.e., no distro as such) created by the NSA
- Sentry Firewall: A firewall, server or intrusion detection system distribution
- SmoothWall: Router/firewall distribution
- ClarkConnect: Router/firewall distribution
- Tinfoil Hat Linux: Bootable floppy distribution focusing on extreme security
- tomsrtbt: The distro's motto is "The most GNU/Linux on 1 floppy disk." Useful rescue floppy with support for most filesystems, network drivers, and scsi drivers.
- Trinux: Security tools distribution
Alternate platforms
Linux started life as an operating system for X86-compatible systems but has expanded to include numerous other computer processors. Various distributions cater to those other computer architectures.
- Linux on zSeries: IBM mainframes
- [7]: Linux/ppc (POWER-based systems, e.g. IBM pSeries, iSeries, and newer Apple Macintosh)
- Linux/m68k [8]: Motorola 680x0 series (older Apple Macintosh, NeXT, etc.)
- UltraLinux [9]: SPARC and UltraSPARC based systems, e.g. Sun Fire servers.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Linux Distributions Compared
Reposted from wikipedia
Creator | Producer | First public release date | Predecessor | Latest stable version | Cost (USD) | Preferred license | Target audience | Origin | |
Arch | Judd Vinet | dev team | March2002 | none | 0.7 | Free | GPL | Workstation, Server, Enthusiast | Canada |
Asianux | Miracle Linux, Red Flag Linux, Haansoft | dev team | June 2004 | Red Hat Enterprise | 2.0 | Free | GPL | Server, good for Desktop | East Asia |
Aurox | Software-Wydawnictwo Sp. z oo | Aurox Sp. z oo | September2002 | Red Hat | 10.2 | Free | GPL | Workstation, Server, Enthusiast | Poland |
CentOS | cAos Project | CentOS Project | May 2004 | Red Hat Enterprise | 4.1 / 3.5 | Free | GPL | Desktop, Workstation, Server | USA |
Debian | Ian Murdock | Debian Project | August1993 | none | 3.1r0 (sarge) | Free | any DFSG-free | Desktop, Workstation, Server | USA |
DeMuDi | dev team | AGNULA | April 2002 | Debian | 1.2.1 | Free | GPL | DAW, Desktop, Workstation | Europe |
dyne:bolic | Jaromil | June 2001 | none | 1.4.1 | Free | GPL | WindowsDAW, Desktop, Workstation users, | Italy | |
Fedora Core | Fedora Project | November2003 | Fedora, Red Hat | 4 | Free | GPL | Workstation, Server, Enthusiast | USA | |
Frugalware | Miklós Vajna | dev team | September2004 | Slackware | 0.3rc1 (Trantor) | Free | GPL | Workstation, Server, Enthusiast | Hungary |
Gentoo | Daniel Robbins | Gentoo Foundation, Inc. | March2002 | none | 2005.1 | Free | GPL | Workstation, Server, Enthusiast | USA |
GoboLinux | Hisham Muhammad, André Detsch | dev team | June 2002 | none | 012 | Free | GPL | Workstation, Server, Enthusiast | Brazil |
ImpiLinux | Gauteng Linux Users Group | ImpiLinux (Pty) Ltd. | November2003 | Debian | 2005 UP2 | Free | GPL | Workstation, Server, Enthusiast | South Africa |
Knoppix | Klaus Knopper | dev team | ? | Debian | 4.0.2 | Free | GPL | Desktop, Workstation, Windows users | Germany |
Linspire |, Inc. | Linspire, Inc | March2002 | Debian | 5-0 | $49.95 | GPL/Commercial | Desktop | USA |
Lunar | Chuck Mead, Lunar Penguin Project | dev team | March2002 | Sorcerer | 1.5.1 | Free | OSI Approved | Workstation, Server, Enthusiast | USA |
Lycoris Desktop/LX | Redmond Linux Corp. | Lycoris, Inc., Mandriva S.A. | December2001 | Caldera OpenLinux | 1.4 | $40-$75 | Lycoris License | Workstation | USA |
Mandriva | Mandrakesoft S.A. | Mandriva S.A. | July 1998 | Red Hat | Limited Edition 2005 | Free (Download edition) | GPL | Desktop, Workstation, Server | France |
MEPIS | Warren Woodford | MEPIS LLC. | September2003 | Debian | SimplyMEPIS 3.3.1 | Free (Download edition) | GPL | Desktop, Workstation, Server | USA |
PCLinuxOS | Texstar | dev team | October2003 | Mandriva | Preview 9.1 | Free | GPL | Desktop | Texas, USA |
PLD Linux Distribution | PLD Linux Distribution | November2002 | none | 1.0 | Free | GPL | Workstation, Server, Enthusiast | Poland | |
Red Flag | Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, NewMargin Venture Capital | Red Flag Software Co., Ltd. | September1999 | Red Hat | 4.1 | Free, desktop version | GPL | Workstation, Server, Enthusiast | China |
Scientific | CERN, Fermilab, dev team | October2004 | Fermi (LTS) | 4.1 / 3.0.5 | Free | GPL | Desktop, Workstation, Server | Switzerland, USA | |
Slackware | Patrick Volkerding | dev team | July 1993 | SLS | 10.2 | Free | GPL | Workstation, Server, Enthusiast | USA |
Source Mage | Ryan Abrams, Eric Schabell | dev team | June 2002 | Sorcerer | 0.9.3 | Free | GPL | Workstation, Server, Enthusiast | N/A |
SUSE | S.u.S.E. LLC | Novell, Inc. | March1994 | Jurix | 10.0 | $59.95 Retail Package, available for free download | GPL | Desktop, Workstation, Server, Enthusiast | Germany |
Symphony OS | Ryan Quinn | Ryan QuinnJason Spisak & | ? | Knoppix | Alpha 4 | Free | ? | Desktop, Workstation | ? |
Ubuntu | Canonical Ltd. | October2004 | Debian | 5.04 | Free | GPL | Desktop, Workstation, Enthusiast | Isle of Man | |
Ultima | Martin Ultima | February2005 | Slackware | 4 | Free | GPL | Desktop, Workstation, Enthusiast, Server | United States | |
Xandros Desktop OS | Xandros Corp. | Xandros Inc. | October2002 | Corel | 3.0 | $50-$90 or free for Open Circulation Edition. | Proprietary | Workstation, Server | Canada |
Packages | GUI installation procedure? | Default Filesystem Browser(s) | Default desktop environment | Default window manager | Default GUI styling | Default Office Suite | |
Arch | about 3500 | Yes | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) |
Asianux | ? | No | Konqueror | KDE | kwin | ? | none ( available) |
Aurox | about 3000 | Yes | Nautilus | GNOME | Metacity | Bluecurve theme | none (all optional) |
CentOS | about 5000? | Yes | Nautilus | GNOME | Metacity | Bluecurve theme | |
Debian | about 17000 | No | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) |
DeMuDi | about 875 | Yes | Nautilus | GNOME | Metacity | DeMuDi | none |
dyne:bolic | ? | Yes | Xfe | GNUStep | WindowMaker | Dynebolic | (optional) |
Fedora Core | about 5000 | Yes | Nautilus | GNOME | Metacity | ClearLooks Bluecurve theme for KDE theme for GNOME | Office |
Frugalware | about 3000 | Yes | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) |
Gentoo | about 10000 | Yes | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) |
GoboLinux | about 1500 | Yes | Konqueror | KDE | kwin | Plastik theme | |
ImpiLinux | ? | No | ? | KDE | ? | ? | |
Knoppix | CD: about 1000 DVD: about 2600 | No | none (all optional) | KDE | kwin | Keramik | Office |
Linspire | ? | Yes | Konqueror | KDE | kwin | Linspire's | Office |
Lunar | 2293 (as of Sept 10, 2005) | Yes | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) |
Lycoris Desktop/LX | ? | Yes | Konqueror | KDE | kwin | Lycoris' (Windows-esque). | KOffice |
Mandriva | 106891 | Yes | Konqueror | KDE | kwin | Mandrakegalaxy theme | |
MEPIS | ? | Yes | Konqueror | KDE | kwin | Plastik theme | |
PCLinuxOS | 4321 (Sept. 2005) | Yes | Konqueror | KDE | kwin | PCLinuxOS custom theme | |
PLD Linux Distribution | ? | No | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | KOffice |
Red Flag | ? | Yes | Konqueror | KDE | kwin | Red Flag (Windows XP-like) | |
Scientific | ? | Yes | Nautilus | GNOME | Metacity | Bluecurve theme | |
Slackware | ? | Yes | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) |
Source Mage | 4235 (2005-08-11) | Yes | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) | none (all optional) |
SUSE | 4000 | Yes | Konqueror | KDE | kwin | SuSE Theme | Office |
Symphony OS | ? | Yes | ROX-filer | Mezzo | fvwm | ? | Abiword |
Ubuntu | 3180 by default2, maximally 16271 | Yes | Nautilus | GNOME | Metacity | Human theme | Office |
Ultima | ? | Yes | Konqueror (optional) | KDE (and others, all optional) | Enlightenment (and others, all optional) | None (all optional) |, KOffice, AbiWord (all optional) |
Xandros Desktop OS | ? | Yes | Xandros File Manager | KDE | kwin | Xandros' | |
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